Jumat, 06 Februari 2015

Spiral Pipe for Offshore Application

Spiral welded pipe production uses hot rolled coil. The alloy content of the coil is often lower than similar grades of steel plate, improving the weldability of the spiral welded pipe. Due to the rolling direction of spiral welded pipe coil is not perpendicular to the pipe axis direction, the crack resistance of the spiral welded pipe materials.

Because of the unique performance of the spiral pipe, when spiral welded pipe blasting occurred, the weld suffered stress and co-stress is relatively small, blasting the mouth is generally not the origin of the spiral weld, so the higher security. Spiral weld near the defect with parallel spiral weld force is smaller, so the risk of expansion is not.

Steel pipe subjected to internal pressure, usually in the wall on the two main application of force, the radial stress δY and axial stress δX. Weld resultant stress δ = δY (l/4sin2α + cos2α) 1/2, which, α is the helix angle of the spiral weld pipe. The helix angle of the spiral weld pipe is generally 50-75 degrees, so the spiral weld large resultant stress. In the same work under the pressure of the same diameter spiral welded pipe wall thickness can be reduced a lot, spiral pipe plant can be made into a small caliber.

Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

On-Bottom Stability of Offshore Pipeline

One important aspect in designing an offshore pipeline system is its stability for being underwater, on the seabed for a life time service (operation). The analysis of keeping the pipeline system remained on the seabed is known as On-Bottom Stability. There are few methods to maintain pipeline at the seabed, such as pipe burial, trenching, as well as building a rock berm, and thicken the concrete coating. On-bottom stability consists of vertical stability and dynamic lateral stability.

Vertical Stability

Total pipe weight is the weight of the pipe alloy steel material, anti-corrosion coating, and field joint coating. A cross-section of an offshore pipeline can be seen through the image below:

In order to avoid floatation in water, the submerged weight of the pipeline shall meet the following criteria:

ΥW = safety factor

b = pipe buoyancy per unit length : ρw • g • ∏ • D2 / 4

ρw = mass density of water

g = acceleration of gravity

D = pipe outer diameter (including all coating)

ws = pipe submerged weight per unit length

sg = pipe specific density : (ws+b)/b

If a sufficiently low probability of negative buoyancy is not documented, the safety factor ΥW = 1.1 can be applied.

Dynamic Lateral Stability

The objective of a dynamic lateral stability analysis is to calculate the lateral displacement of a pipeline subjected to hydrodynamic loads from a given combination of waves and current during a design sea state. On-bottom stability is a highly non-linear phenomenon with a large degree of stick/slip response. This is particularly important to keep in mind for large values of current to wave ratios and large wave periods, and more so for stiff clay and rock than for soft clay and sand where the build up of penetration and passive resistance is more pronounced.

1. Current Condition

The steady current flow at the pipe level may have components from:

  • Tidal current
  • Wind-induced current
  • Storm surge induced current
  • Density driven current

2. Short Term Wave Condition

The wave induced oscillatory flow condition at the pipe level may be calculated using numerical or analytical wave theories. The wave theory shall be capable of describing the conditions at the pipe location, including effects due to shallow water, if applicable. The short-term, stationary, irregular sea states may be described by a wave spectrum Shh(ω) i.e. the power spectral density function of the sea surface elevation. Wave spectra may be given in table form, as measured spectra, or in an analytical form.

For instance, the JONSWAP spectrum, the spectral density function reads:

3. Forces Affecting Pipeline On-Bottom Stability

  • Hydrodynamic force, consists of drag force and inertia force (can be calculated using morrison formula), as well as lift force. Lift force is a vertical hydrodynamic force. This would happen with the concentration of streamline on the pipe.
  • Soil friction force, is a horizontal force influenced by friction coefficient between pipe and seabed. Value of the friction coefficient depends on the seabed soil characteristics. For example, friction coefficient for clay-soil is 0.2 and friction coefficient for sandy-soil is 0.6.

Recommended Practice DNV-RP-F109 October 2010


Santika, Anindya Rizki. Laporan tugas akhir: Desain dan Analisis Instalasi Pipa Bawah Laut Menggunakan DNV OS F101 2010 dan DNV 1981. Bandung. 2011.

Rapid Crack Propagation Increasingly Important in Gas Applications: A Status Report

By By Dr. Gene Palermo, Palermo Plastics Pipe (P3) Consulting; William J. Michie, Jr. and Dr. Dane Chang, The Dow Chemical Company

Polyethylene (PE) is the primary material used for gas pipe applications. Because of its flexibility, ease of joining and long-term durability, along with lower installed cost and lack of corrosion, gas companies want to install PE pipe instead of steel pipe in larger diameters and higher pressures. As a result, rapid crack propagation (RCP) is becoming a more important property of PE materials.

This article reviews the two key ISO test methods that are used to determine RCP performance (full-scale test and small-scale steady state test), and compare the values obtained with various PE materials on a generic basis. It also reviews the status of RCP requirements in industry standards; such as ISO 4437, ASTM D 2513 and CSA B137.4. In addition, it reviews progress within CSA Z662 Clause 12 and the AGA Plastic Materials Committee to develop industry guidelines based on the values obtained in the RCP tests to design against an RCP incident.


Although the phenomenon of RCP has been known and researched for several years 1, the number of RCP incidents has been very low. A few have occurred in the gas industry in North America, such as a 12-inch SDR 13.5 in the U.S. and a 6-inch SDR 11 in Canada, and a few more in Europe.

With gas engineers desiring to use PE pipe at higher operating pressures (up to 12 bar or 180 psig) and larger diameters (up to 30 inches), a key component of a PE piping material - resistance to rapid crack propagation (RCP) - becomes more important.

Most of the original research work conducted on RCP was for metal pipe. As plastic pipe became more prominent, researchers applied similar methodologies used for metal pipe on the newer plastic pipe materials, and particularly polyethylene (PE) pipe 2. Most of this research was done in Europe and through the ISO community.

Rapid crack propagation, as its name implies, is a very fast fracture. Crack speeds up to 600 ft/sec have been measured. These fast cracks can also travel long distances, even hundreds of feet. The DuPont Company had two RCP incidents with its high-density PE pipe, one that traveled about 300 feet and the other that traveled about 800 feet.

RCP cracks usually initiate at internal defects during an impact or impulse event. They generally occur in pressurized systems with enough stored energy to drive the crack faster than the energy is released. Based on several years of RCP research, whether an RCP failure occurs in PE pipe depends on several factors:

  1. Pipe size.
  2. Internal pressure.
  3. Temperature.
  4. PE material properties/resistance to RCP.
  5. Pipe processing.

Typical features of an RCP crack are a sinusoidal (wavy) crack path along the pipe, and “hackle” marks along the pipe crack surface that indicate the direction of the crack. At times, the crack will bifurcate (split) into two directions as it travels along the pipe.

Test Methods

The RCP test method that is considered to be the most reliable is the full-scale (FS) test method, as described in ISO 13478. This method requires at least 50 feet of plastic pipe for each test and another 50 feet of steel pipe for the reservoir. It is very expensive and time consuming. The cost to obtain the desired RCP information can be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Due to the high cost for the FS RCP test, Dr. Pat Levers of Imperial College developed the small-scale steady state (S4) test method to correlate with the full-scale test3. This accelerated RCP test uses much smaller pipe samples (a few feet) and a series of baffles, and is described in ISO 13477. The cost of conducting this S4 testing is still expensive, but less than FS testing. Several laboratories now have S4 equipment. A photograph with this article shows the S4 apparatus used by Jana Laboratories.

Whether conducting FS or S4 RCP testing, there are two key results used by the piping industry; one is the critical pressure and the other is the critical temperature.

The critical pressure is obtained by conducting a series of FS or S4 tests at a constant temperature (generally 0C) and varying the internal pressure. At low pressures, where there is insufficient energy to drive the crack, the crack initiates and immediately arrests (stops). At higher pressures, the crack propagates (goes) to the end of the pipe. The critical pressure is shown by the red line in Figure 1 as the transition between arrest at low pressures and propagation at high pressures. In this case, the critical pressure is 10 bar (145 psig).

Due to the baffles in the S4 test, the critical pressure obtained must be corrected to correlate with the FS critical pressure. There has been considerable research within the ISO community conducted in this area. Dr. Philippe Vanspeybroeck of Becetel chaired a working group - ISO/TC 138/SC 5/WG RCP - that conducted S4 and FS testing on several PE pipes 4. Based on their extensive research effort, the WG arrived at the following correlation formula 5 to convert the S4 critical pressure (Pc,S4) to the FS critical pressure (Pc,FS):

Pc,FS = 3.6 Pc,S4 + 2.6 bar (1)

It is important to note that this S4/FS correlation formula may not be applicable to other piping materials, such as PVC or polyamide (PA). For example, Arkema has conducted S4 and FS testing on PA-11 pipe and found a different correlation formula for PA-11 pipe 6.

The critical temperature is obtained by conducting a series of FS or S4 tests at a constant pressure (generally 5 bar or 75 psig) and varying the temperature 7. At high temperatures the crack initiates and immediately arrests. At low temperatures, the crack propagates to the end of the pipe. The critical temperature is shown by the red line in Figure 2 as the transition between arrest at high temperatures and propagation at low temperatures. In this case, the critical temperature is 35°F (2°C).


The International Standards Organization (ISO) product standard for PE gas pipe, ISO 4437, has included an RCP requirement for many years 8. This is because there were some RCP failures in early generation European PE gas pipes, and the Europeans had conducted considerable research on RCP in PE pipes. Also, European gas companies were using large-diameter pipes and higher operating pressures for PE pipes, both of which make the pipe more susceptible to RCP failures. Below is the current requirement for RCP taken from ISO 4437:

Pc > 1.5 x MOP (2)

Where: Pc = full scale critical pressure, psig
MOP = maximum operating pressure, psig

Most manufacturers use the S4 test to meet this ISO 4437 RCP requirement. If the requirement is not met, then the manufacturer may use the FS test. Therefore, the ISO 4437 product standard requires that RCP testing be done, and also provides values for the RCP requirement.


Until recently, ASTM D 2513 did not address RCP at all 9. The AGA Plastic Materials Committee (PMC) requested that an RCP requirement be added to ASTM D 2513, similar to the RCP requirement in the ISO PE gas pipe standard ISO 4437. The manufacturers agreed to include a requirement in ASTM D 2513 that RCP testing (FS or S4) must be performed. The ASTM product standard D 2513 does not include any required values.

PMC has agreed with this approach and will develop its own industry requirement in the form of a “white paper.” 10 The first draft was just issued within PMC with the following proposed requirement:

PC,FS > leak test pressure.
Leak test pressure = 1.5 X MOP.


CSA followed the direction of ASTM. The product standard CSA B137.4 11 requires that the RCP testing must be done. The values of the RCP test will be stipulated in CSA Z662 Clause 12, which is the Code of Practice for gas distribution in Canada. Clause 12 recently approved the requirement as shown nearby. Rapid Crack Propagation (RCP) Requirements

When tested in accordance with B137.4 requirements for PE pipe and compounds, the standard PE pipe RCP Full-Scale critical pressure shall be at least 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure. If the RCP Small-Scale Steady State method is used, the RCP Full-Scale critical pressure shall be determined using the correlation formula in B137.4.
(end of box)

RCP Test Data

The critical pressure is the pressure - below which - RCP will not occur. The higher the critical pressure, the less likely the gas company will have an RCP event. In most cases, as the pipe diameter or wall thickness increases, the critical pressure decreases. Therefore, RCP is more of a concern with large-diameter or thick-walled pipe. Following are some typical critical pressure values for various generic PE materials. For most cases, the pipe size tested is 12-inch SDR 11 pipe.

PE Material S4 Critical Pressure (PC,S4) at 32°F (0°C)/Full Scale Critical Pressure (PC,FS) @ 0°C

Unimodal MDPE 1 bar (15 psig)/6.2 bar (90 psig)
Bimodal MDPE 10 bar (145 psig) /38.6 bar (560 psig)

Unimodal HDPE 2 bar (30 psig)/9.8 bar (140 psig)
Bimodal HDPE (PE 100+) 12 bar (180 psig)/45.8 bar (665 psig)

In general, the RCP resistance is greater for HDPE (high-density PE) than MDPE (medium-density PE). However, there is a significant difference when comparing a unimodal PE to a bimodal PE material, about a ten-fold difference.

Bimodal PE technology was developed in Asia and Europe in the 1980s. This technology is known to provide superior performance for both slow crack growth and RCP, as evidenced by the table. For the bimodal PE 100+ materials used in Europe and Asia, the S4 critical pressure minimum requirement is 10 bar (145 psig), which converts to 560 psig operating pressure. This means that with these bimodal PE 100+ materials, RCP will not be a concern. Today, there are several HDPE resin manufacturers that use this bimodal technology. Recently, a new bimodal MDPE material was introduced for the gas industry 12,13 with a significantly higher S4 critical pressure compared to unimodal MDPE - 10 bar compared to 1 bar.

Another measure of RCP resistance is the critical temperature. This is defined as the temperature above which RCP will not occur. Therefore, a gas engineer wants to use a PE material with a critical temperature as low as possible. Although critical temperature is not used as a requirement in the product standards, it is an important parameter, and perhaps should be given more consideration. Following is a table with some typical critical temperature values for various generic PE materials. For most cases, the pipe size tested is 12-inch SDR 11 pipe.

PE Material/Critical Temperature (TC) at 5 bar (75 psig)

Unimodal MDPE 15°C (60°F)
Bimodal MDPE -2°C (28°F)

Unimodal HDPE 9°C (48°F)
Bimodal HDPE -17°C (1°F)

Again, we see that RCP performance for HDPE is slightly better than MDPE, but there is a significant difference between bimodal PE and unimodal PE. The bimodal MDPE and HDPE materials have the lowest critical temperatures, which means the greatest resistance to RCP.


As gas companies use PE pipe in more demanding applications, such as larger pipe diameters and higher operating pressures, the resistance of the PE pipe to rapid crack propagation (RCP) becomes more important. In this article we have discussed the phenomenon of RCP and the two primary test methods used to determine RCP resistance - the S4 test and the Full Scale test. We reviewed the correlation formula between the FS test and S4 test for critical pressure. We have also discussed the two primary results of RCP testing - the critical pressure and the critical temperature.

ISO standards were the first to recognize the importance of RCP, especially in larger diameter pipe sizes, and incorporated RCP requirements in product standards, such as ISO 4437. The Canadian standards soon followed, and an RCP test requirement has been added to CSA B137.4. The required values for RCP testing are being added to the CSA Code of Practice in CSA Z662 Clause 12 for gas piping. ASTM just added an RCP requirement to its gas pipe standard ASTM D 2513. The corresponding AGA PMC project to develop RCP recommendations for required values from RCP testing is in progress.

In this article, we also discussed some results of RCP testing. In general, the HDPE materials have slightly greater RCP resistance than MDPE materials used in the gas industry. A more significant difference is observed when comparing unimodal PE materials to bimodal PE materials. Existing data indicate that bimodal HDPE materials show a significant increase in critical pressure compared to unimodal HDPE materials and also have considerably lower critical temperature values.

In addition, this bimodal technology has now just been introduced for MDPE. This bimodal MDPE material also has a significantly higher S4 critical pressure (10 bar vs. 1 bar) and a lower critical temperature than unimodal MDPE materials. With several PE resin manufacturers being able to produce bimodal PE materials, it is likely that in the near future, all PE materials used for the gas industry will be bimodal materials because of their superior RCP resistance.

Literature Cited

  1. C. G. Bragaw, “Rapid Crack Propagation in Medium Density Polyethylene Pipe”, 7th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium, 1980.
  2. M. Wolters, “Some Experiences with the Modified Robertson Test Used for Study of Rapid Crack Propagation in PE Pipelines”, 8th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium, 1983.
  3. P. S. Leevers, “A New Small Scale Pipe Test for Rapid Crack Propagation”, 11th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium, 1989.
  4. P. Vanspeybroeck, “Rapid Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Gas Pipes – Correlation Factor Between Small-Scale and Full-Scale Testing”, 15th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium, 1997.
  5. P. Vanspeybroeck, “RCP, After 25 Years of Debate, Finally Mastered by Two ISO Tests”, 17th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium, 2002.
  6. J. Mason, “Establishing the Correlation Between S4 and Full Scale Rapid Crack Propagation Testing for Polyamide-11 (PA-11) Pipe”, Plastics Pipes XIII, 2006.
  7. P. S. Leevers, “S4 Critical Temperature Tests: Procedure and Interpretation”, Plastics Pipes XII, 2004.
  8. ISO 4437, “Buried polyethylene (PE) pipes for the supply of gaseous fuels — Metric series - Specifications”.
  9. ASTM D 2513, “Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings”.
  10. AGA PMC Draft White Paper, “Using RCP Data to Design Polyethylene Gas Distribution Systems”.
  11. CSA B137.4, “Polyethylene (PE) Piping Systems for Gas Service”.
  12. D. Chang and W. Michie, “Bimodal MDPE Pipe Resin For Improved Gas Distribution Pipe Performance”, AGA Operations Conference, 2008.
  13. D. Chang and W. Michie, “Advanced Bimodal MDPE for Piping Applications”, Plastics Pipes XIV, 2008.

How Does Directional Drilling Work?

Directional drilling has been an integral part of the oil and gas industry since the 1920s. While the technology has improved over the years, the concept of directional drilling remains the same: drilling wells at multiple angles, not just vertically, to better reach and produce oil and gas reserves. Additionally, directional drilling allows for multiple wells from the same vertical well bore, minimizing the wells' environmental impact.

Directional Drilling
Improvements in drilling sensors and global positioning technology have helped to make vast improvements in directional drilling technology. Today, the angle of a drillbit is controlled with intense accuracy through real-time technologies, providing the industry with multiple solutions to drilling challenges, increasing efficiency and decreasing costs.

Tools utilized in achieving directional drills include whipstocks, bottomhole assembly (BHA) configurations, three-dimensional measuring devices, mud motors and specialized drillbits.

Now, from a single location, various wells can be drilled at myriad angles, tapping reserves miles away and more than a mile below the surface.

Directional Drilling
Many times, a non-vertical well is drilled by simply pointing the drill in the direction it needs to drill. A more complex way of directional drilling utilizes a bend near the bit, as well as a downhole steerable mud motor. In this case, the bend directs the bit in a different direction from the wellbore axis when the entire drillstring is not rotating, which is achieved by pumping drilling fluid through the mud motor. Then, once the angle is reached, the complete drillstring is rotated, including the bend, ensuring the drillbit does not drill in a different direction from the wellbore axis.

One type of directional drilling, horizontal drilling, is used to drastically increase production. Here, a horizontal well is drilled across an oil and gas formation, increasing production by as much as 20 times more than that of its vertical counterpart. Horizontal drilling is any wellbore that exceeds 80 degrees, and it can even include more than a 90-degree angle (drilling upward).

A step-by-step approach to pipeline integrity management


As a testing, inspection and certification company acting in the field of asset integrity management, Bureau Veritas is in contact with many different operators. In the oil and gas market, all operators are preoccupied by the availability and integrity of their assets (structure, pressure vessels, rotating machinery, pipelines). This article explains the importance of implementing an integrity management system using a step-by-step approach.

The 360° view

In the early 1990s asset integrity management was addressed by increasing inspection programmes. In the late 1990s, increasingly sophisticated IT tools were developed, and today a complex mix of strategies, IT solutions and inspections are often employed. This can potentially lead to client dissatisfaction, since from an operator’s point of view ‘it costs a lot, it’s complicated and we’re not sure we really need it’.

Bureau Veritas attended a conference where an operator presented on the issues involved in implementing a highly sophisticated integrity management system. In particular the issue of anticipating difficulties related to methodologies, data, management of change, etc. In response, Bureau Veritas explained the difficulties of taking on such a wide scope at once. The operator immediately replied: “Guys, you have the 360° view, we don’t. You should teach us all that and warn us!”

No revolution but simply common sense

There are many different definitions of pipeline integrity management (PIM), including those listed within API 1160 and ASME B31.8S.

As a simple and understood-by-all definition, the following is proposed: “a system to ensure that a pipeline network is safe, reliable, sustainable and optimised.”

Bureau Veritas’ PIM step-by-step approach is comprised of the following six stages:
  • Policy and strategy: where are you now, where do you want to go and what should you put in place to reach your target?
  • Methodology: do you want/need to use a risk-based, threat-based or consequence-based approach or something else?
  • Data: start thinking about data collection and modelling only once the policy and strategy, and methodology have been identified.
  • Systems and tools: once policy and strategy have been defined, methodology has been selected and data gathered, select the most appropriate tool to use (simple or sophisticated software).
  • Study and analysis: the tools will enable an assessment of the pipeline network and definition of your inspection plans.
  • Inspection and expertise: after implementing the inspection plans, specific expertise should be used to analyse the inspection results. The knowledge gained will then be used during the regular PIM review.

Company policy and methodology is key

As a first step, it is important to properly define the roots of the PIM approach chosen. Local constraints, in-house specific requirements, international guidelines and adequacy will help set up the basis of the methodology to be developed.

The most appropriate approach will be found by referencing the local regulatory body’s policy (safety/inspections-oriented or risk/threat mitigation-oriented) along with common practices and existing procedures, the assets’ typology and age, the existing international best practices, and the level of in-house expertise. Several approaches may be considered, such as qualitative versus quantitative, threat-based versus damage-based, and probabilistic versus deterministic.

The identification of expected results (primary target) should be properly specified: restricted impact on the environment, corrosion-related failure prevention, inspection strategy, and means of mitigation. This will ensure that the PIM is set up in-line with the project targets.

The PIM methodology can then be chosen and tailored to the specific case.

A PIM approach that may be suitable for one operator may not be acceptable for another operator.

Only once the methodology is developed and understood by all project stakeholders can the data and tool issues be properly addressed.

Data and tools: you don’t need a video game

Data management is a crucial task within the PIM process. It should provide a complete system capable of delivering the right data in the right shape, at the right place and for the right purpose. This requires very organised and step-wise work.

By defining the PIM strategy, key performance indicators can be identified and data requirements can be defined. This refers to the format, accuracy, and frequency requirements of the data. It is also beneficial to think mid-term about PIM requirements, for example, consider the tools that will be used and any modifications that might be planned to the asset.

Finally, it is advised that data quality control/quality assurance is performed to obtain the ‘green light’ before processing data into the PIM process.

The same applies to the tools to be used. While there is a temptation to use a very ‘high tech’ tool, the most important consideration is for an easy-to-use tool that will monitor the health of the pipeline network and point out pipeline segments which require mitigation or inspection due to their threat or risk levels.

Depending on the pipeline’s length, a Microsoft Excel macro could be sufficient. However, an automated and integrated tool is necessary for longer pipelines or complicated networks.

Study and analysis: from integrity assessment to inspection plans

Now with an operational and clear pipeline database along with a PIM tool, the chosen PIM methodology can be implemented. The PIM tool will enable the first integrity assessment to be carried out – ‘first’ because PIM is a continuous loop where previous results are used to improve the following assessments. Following this, a ‘pipeline prioritisation’ can be obtained, which will form the basis to analyse and understand the pipeline network's condition. Frrom here, the PIM can be expanded to include a mitigation plan plus inspection plan.

Here an important question arises: what actions should be performed in order to reduce the threat/risk level on the pipeline? Should the inspection frequency be increased, a mitigation action applied, or both? The decision should rely on the inspection and mitigation policies defined in the first step of the PIM process.

Inspection and expertise: method qualification and trustworthy results

Undoubtedly, one of the most visible steps of the PIM process is the inspection itself. There are many inspection techniques for pipelines but the most widely used are magnetic-flux leakage and ultrasonic testing. The in-line inspection provider should be selected very carefully, evaluating their qualification by referring to the specific requirements of the project.

The most critical part of this process is the analysis of results and the expertise required to obtain crucial information on the actual condition of the pipeline.

An effective PIM should be comparable to a high-quality management system.

This article started by outlining that a PIM is a system allowing operators to ensure that their pipeline networks operate in a safe, reliable, sustainable and optimised way.

If neglected and unused, even the most expensive and ‘high tech’ PIM solution will fail to be beneficial. A PIM needs to be accepted and embedded into the company’s processes.

Therefore, as a conclusion, Bureau Veritas would advise operators to keep in mind that a PIM, like a quality management system, is a continuous process. Therefore it is important to break down the PIM plan into manageable steps.


The author and co-authors of this article would like to express their gratitude to their customers, in particular TOTAL (Worldwide), CuuLong Joint Operating Company (CLJOC – Vietnam) and KazTransOil (KTO – Kazakhstan) who have fed Bureau Veritas’s thoughts about PIM and asset integrity management (AIM) in general. Not only have those successful and friendly collaborations inspired Bureau Veritas to develop its AIM ‘step-by-step approach’ but have also allowed a deeper knowledge of AIM which, we trust, will be useful to other pipeline operators.


How Does Decommissioning Work?

Decommissioning oil and gas installations can cost operators an average of $4-$10 million in the shallow water Gulf of Mexico. Thus when the US Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Gulf of Mexico OCS Region issued a new decommissioning regulation in September 2010, operators knew they'd take a hit.

NTL 2010-G05 requires wells that have not been used for the last five years to be to be permanently abandoned, temporarily abandoned, or zonally isolated within 3 years after Oct. 15, 2010. If wells are zonally isolated, operators have 2 additional years to permanently or temporarily abandon the wellhead. Plus, platforms and supporting infrastructure that have been idle for five or more years must be removed within 5 years as of the Oct. 15, 2010 effective date.

This new NTL on top of the typical volume of decommissioning work in the GOM will increase demand for contractors and, in turn, their dayrates.

According to a BOEMRE statement, the MMS (former name of the BOEMRE) conducted an Alternative Internal Control Review (AICR) of idle structures and wells on active leases in the GOM OCS in 2008. The review identified a significant number of idle platforms that need to be permanently plugged and removed. Why? Idle structures and wells could be damaged in a hurricane and cause an environmental disaster. Plus, damaged platforms and wells cost more to decommission than non-damaged wells.

How Is An Offshore Rig Decommissioned?

There are 10 steps to the process: Project Management, Engineering and Planning; Permitting and Regulatory Compliance; Platform Preparation; Well Plugging and Abandonment; Conductor Removal; Mobilization and Demobilization of Derrick Barges; Platform Removal; Pipeline and Power Cable Decommissioning; Materials Disposal; and Site Clearance. Each step is discussed below.

Project Management

Project management, engineering and planning for decommissioning an offshore rig usually starts three years before the well runs dry. The process involves:

  • review of contractual obligations
  • engineering analysis
  • operational planning
  • contracting

Due to the limited number of derrick barges, many operators contract these vessels two to three years in advance. In addition, much of the decommissioning process requires contractors who specialize in a specific part of the process. Most operators will contract out project management, cutting, civil engineering, and diving services.

Permitting And Regulatory Compliance

Obtaining permits to decommission an offshore rig can take up to three years to complete. Often, operators will contract a local consulting firm to ensure that all permits are in order prior to decommissioning. Local consulting firms are familiar with the regulatory framework of their region.

An Execution Plan is one of the first steps in the process. Included in this plan is environmental information and field surveys of the project site. The plan describes a schedule of decommissioning activities and the equipment and labor required to carry out the operation. An execution plan is required to secure permits from Federal, State, and local regulatory agencies. The BOEMRE will also analyze the environmental impact of the project and recommend ways to eliminate or minimize those impacts.

Federal agencies often involved in decommissioning projects include BOEMRE, National Marine Fisheries Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Environmental Protection Agency, US Coast Guard, and the US Department of Transportation, Office of Pipeline Safety.

Platform Preparation

To prepare a platform for decommissioning, tanks, processing equipment and piping must be flushed and cleaned and residual hydrocarbons have to be disposed of; platform equipment has to be removed, which includes cutting pipe and cables between deck modules, separating the modules, installing padeyes to lift the modules; and reinforcing the structure. Underwater, workers prepare the jacket facilities for removal, which includes removing marine growth.

Well Plugging And Abandonment

Plugging and abandonment is one of the major costs of a decommissioning project and can be broken into two phases.

The planning phase of well plugging includes:
  • data collection
  • preliminary inspection
  • selection of abandonment methods
  • submittal of an application for BOEMRE approval

In the GOM, the rig-less method, which was developed in the 1980s, is primarily used for plugging and abandonment jobs. The rig-less method uses a load spreader on top of a conductor, which provides a base to launch tools, equipment and plugs downhole.

Well abandonment involves:
  • well entry preparations
  • use of a slick line unit
  • filling the well with fluid
  • removal of downhole equipment
  • cleaning out the wellbore
  • plugging open-hole and perforated intervals(s) at the bottom of the well
  • plugging casing stubs
  • plugging of annular space
  • placement of a surface plug
  • placement of fluid between plugs
  • Plugs must be tagged to ensure proper placement or pressure-tested to verify integrity.

Conductor Removal

According to BOEMRE, all platform components including conductor casings must be removed to at least 15 ft below the ocean floor or to a depth approved by the Regional Supervisor based upon the type of structure or ocean-bottom conditions.

To remove conductor casing, operators can chose one of three procedures:

  1. Severing, which requires the use of explosive, mechanical or abrasive cutting
  2. Pulling/sectioning, which uses the casing jacks to raise the conductors that are unscrewed or cut into 40 ft-long segments.
  3. Offloading, which utilizes a rental crane to lay down each conductor casing segment in a platform staging area, offloading sections to a boat, and offloading at a port. The conductors are then transported to an onshore disposal site.

Mobilization/Demobilization And Platform Removal

Mobilization and demobilization of derrick barges is a key component in platform removal. According to BOEMRE, platforms, templates and pilings must be removed to at least 15 ft below the mudlline.

First, the topsides are taken apart and lifted onto the derrick barge. Topsides can be removed all in one piece, in groups of modules, reverse order of installation, or in small pieces.

If removing topsides in one piece, the derrick barge must have sufficient lifting capacity. This option is best used for small platforms. Also keep in mind the size and the crane capacity at the offloading site. If the offloading site can't accommodate the platform in one piece, then a different removal option is required.

Removing combined modules requires fewer lifts, thus is a time-saving option. However, the modules must be in the right position and have a combined weight under the crane and derrick barge capacity. Dismantling the topsides in reverse order in which they were installed, whether installed as modules or as individual structural components, is another removal option and the most common.

Topside can also be cut into small pieces and removed with platform cranes, temporary deck mounted cranes, or other small (less expensive) cranes. However, this method takes the most time to complete the job, so any cost savings incurred using a smaller derrick barge will likely be offset by the dayrate.

Removing the jacket is the second step in the demolition process and the most costly. First, divers using explosives, mechanical means, torches or abrasive technology make the bottom cuts on the piles 15 ft below the mudline. Then the jacket is removed either in small pieces or as a single lift. A single lift is possible only for small structures in less than 200 ft of water. Heavy lifting equipment is required for the jacket removal as well, but a derrick barge is not necessary. Less expensive support equipment can do the job.

Pipeline And Power Cable Decommissioning

Pipelines or power cables may be decommissioned in place if they do not interfere with navigation or commercial fishing operations or pose an environmental hazard. However, if the BOEMRE rules that it is a hazard during the technical and environmental review during the permitting process, it must be removed.

The first step to pipeline decommissioning in place requires a flushing it with water followed by disconnecting it from the platform and filling it with seawater. The open end is plugged an buried 3 ft below the seafloor and covered with concrete.

Materials Disposal And Site Clearance

Platform materials can be refurbished and reused, scrapped and recycled or disposed of in specified landfills.

To ensure proper site clearance, operators need to follow a four-step site clearance procedure.

  1. Pre-decommissioning survey maps the location and quantity of debris, pipelines, power cables, and natural marine environments.
  2. Post decommissioning survey identifies debris left behind during the removal process and notes any environmental damage
  3. ROVs and divers target are deployed to further identify and remove any debris that could interfere with other uses of the area.
  4. Test trawling verifies that the area is free of any potential obstructions.

Understanding pipeline buckling in deepwater applications

With ultra deepwater pipelines being considered for water depths of nearly 3,000 m, pipe collapse, in many instances, will govern design. For example, bending loads imposed on the pipeline near the seabed (sagbend region) during installation will reduce the external pressure resistance of the pipeline, and this design case will influence (and generally govern) the final selection of an appropriate pipeline wall thickness.

To date, the deepest operating pipelines have been laid using the J-lay method, where the pipeline departs the lay vessel in a near-vertical orientation, and the only bending condition resulting from installation is near the touchdown point in the sagbend. More recently, however, the S-lay method is being considered for installation of pipelines to water depths of nearly 2,800 m. During deepwater S-lay, the pipeline originates in a horizontal orientation, bends around a stinger located at the stern or bow of the vessel, and then departs the lay vessel in a near-vertical orientation. During S-lay, the installed pipe experiences bending around the stinger (overbend region), followed by combined bending and external pressure in the sagbend region.

In light of these bending and external pressure-loading conditions, analytical work was performed to better understand the local buckling behavior of thick-walled line pipe due to bending, and the influence of bending on pipe collapse. Variables considered in the analytical evaluations include pipe material properties, geometric properties, pipe thermal treatment, the definition of critical strain, and imperfections such as ovality and girth weld offset.

Design considerations

As the offshore industry engages in deeper water pipeline installations, design limits associated with local buckling must be considered and adequately addressed. Instances of local buckling include excessive bending resulting in axial compressive local buckling, excessive external pressure resulting in hoop compressive local buckling, or combinations of axial and hoop loading creating either local buckling states. In particular, deepwater pipe installation presents perhaps the greatest risk of local buckling, and a thorough understanding of these limiting states and loading combinations must be gained in order to properly address installation design issues.

Initial bending in the overbend may result in stress concentrations in pipe-to-pipe weld offsets or in pipe-to-buckle arrestor interfaces. Initial overbend strains, if large enough, may also give rise to increases in pipe ovalization, perhaps reducing its collapse strength when installed at depth. Active bending strains in the sagbend will also reduce pipe collapse strength, as has been previously demonstrated experimentally.

Overall modeling approach

In an attempt to better understand pipe behavior and capacities under the various installation loading conditions, the development and validation of an all-inclusive finite element model was performed to address the local buckling limit states of concern during deepwater pipe installation. The model can accurately predict pipe local buckling due to bending, due to external pressure, and to predict the influence of initial permanent bending deformations on pipe collapse. Although model validation is currently being performed for the case of active bending and external pressure (sagbend), no data has been provided for this case.

The finite element model developed includes non-linear material and geometry effects that are required to accurately predict buckling limit states. Analysis input files were generated using our proprietary parametric generator for pipe type models that allows for variation of pipe geometry (including imperfections), material properties, mesh densities, boundary conditions and applied loads.

A shell type element was selected for the model due to increased numerical efficiency with sufficient accuracy to predict global responses. The Abaqus S4R element is a four-node, stress/displacement shell element with large-displacement and reduced integration capabilities.

All material properties were modeled using a conventional plasticity model (von Mises) with isotropic hardening. Material stress-strain data was characterized by fitting experimental, uniaxial test results to the Ramberg-Osgood equation.

Pipe ovalizations were also introduced into all models to simulate actual diameter imperfections, and to provide a trigger for buckling failure mode. This was done during model generation by pre-defining ovalities at various locations in the pipe model.

Bending case

A pipe bend portion of the model was developed to investigate local buckling under pure moment loading. Due to the symmetry in the geometry and loading conditions, only one half of the pipe was modeled, in order to reduce the required computational effort. The pipe mesh was categorized into four regions

  • Two refined mesh areas located over a length of one pipe diameter on each side of the mid-point of the pipe to improve the solution convergence (location of elevated bending strains and subsequent buckle formation)
  • Two coarse mesh areas at each end to reduce computational effort.

Clamped-end boundaries were imposed on each end of the pipe model to simulate actual test conditions (fully welded, thick end plate). Under these assumptions, the end planes (nodes on the face) of both ends of the pipe were constrained to remain plane during bending. Loading was applied by controlled rotation of the pipe ends.

In terms of material properties, the axial compressive stress-strain response tends to be different from the axial tensile behavior for UOE pipeline steels. To accurately capture this difference under bending conditions, the upper (compressive) and lower (tension) halves of the pipe were modeled with separate axial material properties (derived from independent axial tension and compression coupon tests).

In general, the local compressive strains along the outer length of a pipe undergoing bending will not be uniform due to formation of a buckle profile. In order to specify the critical value at maximum moment for an average strain, four methods were selected based on available model data and equivalence to existing experimental methods.

Collapse case

The same model developed for the bending case was used to predict critical buckling under external hydrostatic pressure. This included the use of shell type elements and the same mesh configuration. In the analyses, a uniform external pressure load was incrementally applied to all exterior shell element faces. Radially constrained boundary conditions were also imposed on the nodes at each end of the pipe to simulate actual test conditions (plug at each end). In contrast to the pipe bend analysis, only a single stress-strain curve (based on compressive hoop coupon data) was used to model the material behavior of the entire pipe.

Bending case validation

The pipe bend finite element model was validated using full-scale and materials data obtained from the Blue Stream test program, both for “as received” (AR) and “heat treated” (HT) pipe samples. Geometrical parameters were taken from the Blue Stream test specimens and used in the model validation runs. Initial ovalities based on average and maximum measurements were also assigned to the model. The data distribution reflects the relative variation in ovality measured along the length of the Blue Stream test specimens.

Axial tension and compression engineering stress-strain data used in the model validation were based on curves fit to experimental coupon test results. As pointed out previously, separate compression and tension curves were assigned to the upper and lower pipe sections, respectively, in order to improve model accuracy.

In the validation process, a number of analyses were performed to simulate the Blue Stream test results (base case analyses), and to investigate the effects of average strain definition, gauge length, and pipe geometry. These analyses, comparisons and results were:
  • The progressive deformation during pipe bending for the AR pipe bend showed the development of plastic strain localization at the center of the specimen
  • A comparison between the resulting local and average axial strain distributions for two nominal strain levels indicated that at the lower strain level the distribution of local strain is relatively uniform, at the critical value (peak moment) a strain gradient is observed over the length of the specimen with localization occurring in the middle, the end effects are quite small due to specimen constraint and were observed at both strain levels
  • The resulting moment-strain response for the AR pipe base case analysis found the calculated critical (axial) strain slightly higher than that determined from the Blue Stream experiments
  • The effect of chosen strain definition and gauge length on the critical bending strain for the AR pipe base case analysis, using the four methods for calculating average strain, gave similar results
  • The critical strain value is somewhat sensitive to gauge length for a variety of OD/t ratios
  • The finite element results are seen to compare favorably with existing analytical solutions and available experimental data taken from the literature. For pipe under bending, heat treatment results in only a slight increase in critical bending strain capacity.

Collapse case validation

Similar to the pipe bending analysis, the plain pipe collapse model was also validated using full-scale and materials data obtained from the Blue Stream test program, both for “as received” (AR) and “heat treated” (HT) pipe samples. Pipe geometry and ovalities measurements taken from the Blue Stream collapse specimens were used in the validation analyses. Initial ovalities based on average and maximum measurements were also assigned to the model at different reference points. Hoop compression stress-strain data was used in the model, and was based on the average of best fit curves from both ID and OD coupon specimens, respectively. To validate the pipe collapse model, comparison was made to full-scale results from the Blue Stream test program which demonstrated a very good correlation between the model predictions and the experimental results.

In addition to the base case, further analyses were run for a number of alternate OD/t ratios ranging from 15 to 35. Similar to the pipe bend validation, the OD/t ratio was adjusted by altering the assumed wall thickness of the pipe. The finite element results have compared favorably with available experimental data taken from the literature.

The beneficial effect of pipe heat treatment for collapse has resulted in a significant increase in critical pressure (at least 10% for an OD/t ratio of 15). The greatest benefit, however, is observed only at lower OD/t ratios (thick-wall pipe). This can be attributed to the dominance of plastic behaviour in the buckling response as the wall thickness increases (for a fixed diameter). At higher OD/t ratios, buckling is elastic and unaffected by changes in material yield strength.

Pre-bent effect on collapse

Finite element analyses were also performed to simulate recent collapse tests conducted on pre-bent and straight UOE pipe samples for both “as received” (AR) and “heat treated” (HT) conditions. The intent of these tests was to demonstrate that there was no detrimental effect on collapse capacity due to imposed bending as a result of the overbend process. In the pre-bend pipe tests, specimens were bent up to a nominal strain value of 1%, unloaded, then collapse tested under external pressure only.

To address this loading case, a simplified modeling approach was used whereby the increased ovalities and modified stress-strain properties in hoop compression due to the pre-bend were input directly into the existing plain pipe collapse model (the physical curvature in the pipe was ignored).

A comparison between the predicted and experimental collapse pressures for both pre-bent and straight AR and HT pipes indicates that the model does a reasonable job of predicting the collapse pressure for both pipe conditions. It is also clear that the effect of moderate pre-bend (1%) on critical collapse pressure is relatively small.

While the pre-bend cycle results in an increased ovality in the pipe, this detrimental effect is offset by a corresponding strengthening due to strain hardening. As a result, the net effect on collapse is relatively small. For the AR pipe samples, there was a slight increase in collapse pressure when the pipe was pre-bent. Conversely, for the HT pipe, the opposite trend was observed. This latter decrease in collapse pressure can be attributed to two effects: the larger ovality that resulted from the pre-bend cycle and the limited strengthening capacity available in the HT pipe (the HT pipe thermal treatment increased the hoop compressive strength, offering less availability for cold working increases due to the pre-bend).

Similar to previous experimental studies on thermally aged UOE pipe, the beneficial effect of heat treatment was demonstrated in the pre-bend analysis. The collapse pressure for the pre-bent heat treated (HT) pipe is approximately 8-9% higher than that for the as received (AR) pipe, based on both the analytical and experimental results. This increase, however, is lower than that observed for un-bent pipe (approximately 15-20% based on analysis and experiments).

This unique case of an initial permanent bend demonstrated that the influence on the collapse strength of a pipeline was minimal resulting from an increase in hoop compressive strength (increasing collapse strength), and an increase in ovality (reducing collapse strength). This directly suggests that excessive bending in the overbend will not significantly influence collapse strength.

Future work includes advancing the model validation to the case of active bending while under external pressure. This condition exists at the sagbend region of a pipeline during pipelay and, in many cases, will govern overall pipeline wall thickness design.


The authors would like to acknowledge the support of this program by Medgaz SA and the technical contributions of Medgaz personnel throughout the model development phase.


PIPELINE MAINTENANCE: Magnetic leakage detection used to spot, measure pipeline cracks

Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) inspection is the most commonly used tech-nology for the inspection of in-service pressurized pipelines. It is estimated that about 80% of line inspection missions are carried out using this technique. The technique is robust and reliable, and advances over the last 25 years have resulted in high resolution inspection systems that achieve accurate and repeatable measurement of defects in the pipeline. High quality inspection can be achieved with minimal disruption to daily operations.

The traditional use of MFL technology has been the detection and measurement of metal loss defects, primarily corrosion, and this is the inspection mission for which the technology is best known. What is less well known is that high resolution MFL technology can be used and adapted for the location and measurement of cracks in the pipeline, in circumferential and longitudinal directions.

Principles of inspection

The basic physics of the technique are very well known. The pipe-wall is magnetized axially by a pair of magnet and bristle rings at each end of the magnetizer vehicle. Any disruption to the flow of magnetic field in the pipeline steel, as caused by metal loss in the wall, will cause disruption to and leakage of the field. It is this leakage that is detected and measured by the sensors on board the inspection vehicle.

The axial configuration was initially chosen as the most practical engineering solution and because this configuration enabled the inspection vendor to detect and measure those defects that most commonly occurred in pipelines and were of the most concern to pipeline operators. There are some shortcomings in this technique when looking for defects that have a more longitudinal component. These shortcomings can be addressed by altering the magnetic configuration of the inspection vehicle.

Circumferential cracking

The most common form of circumferentially aligned crack-like defect occurs within the girth weld. Girth weld defects, introduced during construction, can include incomplete weld passes, stop-start, unauthorized weld repairs, and cracking caused by inadequate heat treatment of the weld area.

As these defects are circumferentially aligned, and therefore at right angles to the flow of magnetic flux, they can cause a disruption and leakage of the field that is readily detected. However, the fact that these defects by their very nature are within a girth weld, poses significant technical challenges.

The girth weld itself presents a barrier to axial flux flow, causing a large disturbance to the signal, which can mask defects within the weld. In addition, and perhaps more significantly, the protrusion of the weld bead into the pipeline bore can cause the MFL sensors to "lift off" the inside of the pipe wall.

If the vehicle is traveling at normal pipeline speeds and the sensor design has high inertia, then a dead zone can be created both at the girth weld and for some distance downstream of the girth weld. This means that inspection vehicles cannot detect defects within the girth weld, and indeed for some distance beyond it. In some cases, this non inspected dead zone can be as much as 200 mm.

When a high resolution inspection vehicle was first developed by PII in the mid-1970s, these shortcomings in available technologies were recognized. The initial specification of the vehicle performance required that 100% of the pipeline be reliably inspected, including the girth weld and the area around it. So care was taken at the very start of the project to ensure that full inspection capability was not compromised by the presence of the girth weld.

The first problem, that of the large and sometimes confused signal generated by the weld, was tackled by using the very high magnetic field of the PII tool (necessary to saturate the pipe wall and generate repeatable signals from small defects). This, coupled with the very high sensor density of the high-resolution tool, means that the signal from normal girth welds is remarkably repeatable, and any abnormality in the weld can be easily identified.

Designing the sensor heads themselves to have very low mass solved the more serious problem of sensor lift-off. This design, coupled with very light spring suspension, means that the sensor carrier has low inertia and 'bends' with the weld bead, traveling over it smoothly rather than bouncing off the pipe wall.

The fact that all girth weld anomalies are by definition very short in the axial direction can pose problems for the analyst. It can be difficult to discriminate between the various types of defects that can occur in girth welds. The solution lies in the experience and training of data analysts. The first girth weld crack was identified and confirmed in the early 1980s. Since that time, we have located and confirmed more than 1,000 girth weld cracks in operational pipelines.

Longitudinal cracking

The extent of the flux leakage created by a pipe wall anomaly, and therefore the size of the signal collected by the in-line inspection device, is affected by the width of the anomaly. A circumferentially wide defect will set up greater opposition to the flux induced by the tool, and a larger signal will result.

The reverse also holds true. As a longitudinally aligned defect becomes narrower, its opposition to flux flow diminishes, and the resultant signal will decrease in magnitude. The extreme of this phenomenon is demonstrated by the fact that longitudinally aligned cracks cannot be detected using conventional magnetic flux leakage technology.

The result is that with inspection devices carrying only a few MFL sensors, a longitudinally aligned defect will not be detected. With high-resolution tools the high sensor density enables the defect to be detected, but the reduction of the signal strength can lead to an underestimation of the size of the defect.

The defects that have been recognized as present in some pipelines and designated as narrow axial external corrosion (NAEC) are very rare in PII's experience, as they are not only narrow but are longitudinally orientated, axially long and relatively smooth in profile.

Following the discovery of NAEC on one particular pipeline, the data from the previous MFL inspections of that line was examined closely by a PII-client team. Although it was confirmed that the inspection tool had collected data from these defects, the level of signal was such that the depth of the NAEC had indeed been underestimated.

An attempt was made to create algorithms that would recognize the character of NAEC, and correct the sizing model to compensate for the problem and predict depth more accurately. This project met with some limited success, but was found not to be 100% reliable for the purpose of establishing confidence in the condition of the pipeline, given the extent of the NAEC phenomenon.

Transverse field inspection

If metal loss that is long and narrow will not produce signal strengths compatible with accurate sizing when the magnetic field is longitudinal, then another approach is to magnetize the defect in the orthogonal direction. This means that a tool had to be devised and constructed that would magnetize the pipe in the circumferential direction.

Theoretically, this means that the signal obtained will be far more prominent and will allow more accurate characterization. In addition, the axial extent of the defect should be clearer.

The idea of applying the magnetic field in the transverse direction is not new. AMF (formerly American Machine and Foundry) was probably the first to develop the idea as part of their mill inspection technology in the 1960-1970 period and patented a rotating transverse field system in 1978.
PII also examined it.

The reason these designs and prototypes never came to fruition was due to a limitation of the technology available at the time, rather than in the technique itself. Data in the 1970s was usually stored on reel-to-reel recorders, and displayed on UV sensitive paper. Given the advances in computing techniques, materials science, and electronics since then, confidence that a solution for the problem of long narrow defects could be achieved was high. However, without a commercial impetus, the technique was probably destined for obscurity. The discovery of NAEC and several long seam defect failures in North America provided the impetus to develop a commercially viable inspection system. A prototype, dubbed the Transcan tool was designed, constructed, and launched within a five week period and collected good quality data on its first inspection run of more than 200 km.

Analysis of the data and subsequent excavation revealed that the tool did provide an improved characterization of NAEC. This was particularly promising when considering that both the tool and the analysis technique were first attempts. The short times cales available for right-of-way access meant that only a limited amount of information could be gathered from field excavations, but the wealth of data obtained from the excavations carried out in 1996 means that extensive detailed correlation is possible.

Hook cracking

Encouraged by this success, PII refined the process still further to build an in-line inspection tool that would reliably detect and characterize long seam defects. This work was encouraged by one client who had experienced operational failures caused by hook-cracking in a 20-in. crude oil pipeline.

Defects, such as hook cracks and lack of fusion, have caused many in-service and hydrotest failures, especially in liquid lines subject to pressure cycling. Hook cracks occur when inclusions at the plate edge are turned out of the plane of the steel during the pipe manufacturing and welding process. These may pass the initial hydrotest, but fail later through fatigue-induced cracking. It is the turning out of the metal at the weld which gives the crack its characteristic "hook" or "J" shaped appearance.

Although such defects can be det-ected by manual non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, they have remained largely outside the domain of automated methods and in-line tools, which are used for the mass inspection of pipelines. Until recently, the only option was to hydrotest the line. This has limitations in as much as it gives an "all or nothing" or "yes/no" indication. It is not a quantitative technique.

Severe defects are identified through failure, but no information is conveyed about less significant defects which may themselves grow to criticality within a short time after the test. To ensure these defects are found, repeated testing at frequent intervals is required. In addition, following a hydrotest where there has been a failure, the line must be repaired and hydrotested repeatedly until there are no more failures. This is costly in terms of effort and lost throughput.

In this case, the service failures experienced in this 1500-km-long, 20-in. pipeline had resulted in a significant reduction in throughput for the pipeline, with subsequent loss in revenue, and a regulatory requirement to hydrotest the entire pipeline, at a projected cost of tens of millions of dollars.

In the spring of 1998, PII developed a high-resolution 20-in. Transcan tool carrying 400 primary sensors, which was laboratory tested and used to inspect 140 miles of 20-in. pipeline. The tool was successful. In order to validate the technology, the client excavated the reported defects and repaired and hyrotested the line. Two separate sections of the line, totaling 118 miles, were hydrotested to 125% MOP without failures.

More than 50 hook-cracks were detected by the tool and validated by "in the ditch" NDE. The smallest was 5-10% of pipe-wall thickness (Fig 11 and 12). In addition, many examples of lack of fusion and stitching, and three examples of cracks within dents were detected. Only two of the cracks verified would have failed a hydrotest at 125% MOP. The hydrotest requirement was lifted and following the inspection and repair of the remainder of the 1500-km line, full operating pressure was restored.

During the course of the remaining inspection, many hundreds of long-seam defects were revealed and repaired.

The Transcan has been used to inspect over 4,000 km of pipeline, and plans are to extend the range up to 42 in. and down to 8-in., with a 6-in. tool being a distinct possibility in the future.

Stress corrosion cracking

Given its sensitivity to axial features, would TFI be able to detect stress corrosion cracking? Recent work on behalf of the operator of a refined products line has shown some initial promise. Specifications of the line are seamless, 12-in. in diameter, 100 km in length, wall thickness of 6.35-7 mm X52 & X60 grade steel, and is 30 years old.

The pipeline had suffered from several failures due to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and regulatory authorities required that the operating pressure be reduced from 90 bar to 60 bar and a program of hydrotesting be implemented. To investigate the capability of detecting SCC, a test program was undertaken on samples of defective pipe.

In parallel, a 12-in TFI tool was prepared for a trial run in the pipeline. The results from this run have been analyzed, and reporting will be followed up by proving excavations. The laboratory tests showed that it was possible to observe some colonies of SCC using the Transcan technique. However, as always, the true test is in the ability to discriminate these signals from other features in the line, such as manufacturing variations, corrosion sites, surface roughness, etc.

In parallel with this investigative inspection program, extensive testing was carried out on the Transcan tool using known colonies of SCC installed in a pull through string. TFI is not intended to be a primary inspection tool for SCC (ultrasonic tools probably offer the best performance here), but any success in this area is regarded as a bonus on top of its capability at inspection for axial metal loss features and defects in long seam welds.

Third party damage

During the inspection and subsequent repair of the 20-in. pipeline described previously, several instances of third party damage were located and confirmed. - Shown is an instance of third party damage uncovered on this pipeline.

As third party damage is the largest cause of pipeline failure in most countries, we feel that the technology has potential to allow pipeline operators to not only detect, but also characterize these kinds of defects. A development program has begun in the US with the Battelle Institute, the Gas Research Institute, and the Office of Pipeline Safety. This program should allow the development of a system for accurate location, identification, and characterization of this difficult-to-detect defect.

Crack-like defects in operating pipelines have long been the most difficult defect to locate using in-line inspection techniques. For many years, the pipeline industry has had to rely on the inexact science of hydrotesting to mitigate risk from failure due to cracking. New tools are superior to hydrotesting, technically and financially. ;


A slightly longer version with more illustrations was presented at the PII 5th Annual Pipeline and Pigging conference in Seville, Spain.


J. F. Keifner, "Installed pipe, especially pre-1970, plagued by problems", Oil and Gas Journal, pp 45-51, Aug 10, 1992.
API Bulletin on Imperfection Terminology (5T1), 9th edition, May 31, 1988.
R. D. Barton, US Patent 4072894, Rotating Pipeline Inspection Apparatus, 1978.
E. M. Holden, "Transverse Field - a new direction for inspection," Venezuelan Pipeline Conference 1999.
J. F. Kiefner, "Pressure Management Key to Problematic ERW Pipe", Oil and Gas Journal, pp 80-81, Aug 17, 1992.
P. Mundell, K. Grimes, "A new breed of intelligent pig for the detection of defects in the long seam weld of steel pipelines", Journal of the British Institute of NDT, Vol41, No2, February 1999.


Pipeline Hydro Test Pressure Determination

Hydrostatic testing has long been used to determine and verify pipeline integrity. Several types of information can be obtained through this verification process.

However, it is essential to identify the limits of the test process and obtainable results. There are several types of flaws that can be detected by hydrostatic testing, such as:

  • Existing flaws in the material,
  • Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) and actual mechanical properties of the pipe,
  • Active corrosion cells, andLocalized hard spots that may cause failure in the presence of hydrogen.

There are some other flaws that cannot be detected by hydrostatic testing. For example, the sub-critical material flaws cannot be detected by hydro testing, but the test has profound impact on the post test behavior of these flaws.

Given that the test will play a significant role in the nondestructive evaluation of pipeline, it is important to determine the correct test pressure and then utilize that test pressure judiciously, to get the desired results.

When a pipeline is designed to operate at a certain maximum operating pressure (MOP), it must be tested to ensure that it is structurally sound and can withstand the internal pressure before being put into service. Generally, gas pipelines are hydrotested by filling the test section of pipe with water and pumping the pressure up to a value that is higher than maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) and holding the pressure for a period of four to eight hours.

ASME B 31.8 specifies the test pressure factors for pipelines operating at hoop stress of ≥ 30% of SMYS. This code also limits the maximum hoop stress permitted during tests for various class locations if the test medium is air or gas. There are different factors associated with different pipeline class and division locations. For example, the hydrotest pressure for a class 3 or 4 location is 1.4 times the MOP. The magnitude of test pressure for class 1 division 1 gas pipeline transportation is usually limited to 125% of the design pressure, if the design pressure is known. The allowed stress in the pipe material is limited to 72% of SMYS. In some cases it is extended to 80% of SMYS. The position of Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) is similar. Thus, a pipeline designed to operate continuously at 1,000 psig will be hydrostatically tested to a minimum pressure of 1,250 psig.

Based on the above information, let us consider API 5L X70 pipeline of 32-inch NPS, that has a 0.500-inch wall thickness. Using a temperature de-rating factor of 1.00, we calculate the MOP of this pipeline from following:

P= {2x t x SMYS x1x factor (class1) x 1} / D (ASME B 31.8 Section, 841.11)

Substituting the values:

P= 2x 0.5 x 70,000 x1 x0.72 x1/32 = 1,575 psig

For the same pipeline, if designed to a factor of 0.8, the MOP will be computed to be 1750 psig.

  • If the fittings were the limiting factors of the test pressure, then the following situation would arise.
  • If the fittings used in the system are of ANSI 600 then the maximum test pressure will be (1.25 x 1,440) 1,800 psig. This test pressure will support the requirements of both factor 0.72 and 0.8.
  • If, however, ANSI 900 fittings were chosen for the same pipeline system, the test pressure (1.25 x 2,220) 2,775 psig would test the pipeline but would not test the fittings to their full potential.

Let us first discuss the design factor of 0.72 (class1). In this case the test would result in the hoop reaching to 72% of the SMYS of the pipe material. Testing at 125% of MOP will result in the stress in the pipe reaching a value of 1.25 x 0.72 = 0.90 or 90% of SMYS. Thus, by hydrotesting the pipe at 1.25 times the operating pressure, we are stressing the pipe material to 90% of its yield strength that is 50,400 psi (factor 0.72).

However, if we use a design factor of 0.8 - as is now often used - testing at 125% of MOP will result in the stress in the pipe to 1.25 x 0.8 =1. The stress would reach 100% of the yield strength (SMYS). So, at the test pressure of 1800 psig the stress will be 56,000 psi (for factor 0.8). This will be acceptable in case of class 600 fittings. But, if class 900 fittings were taken into account, the maximum test pressure would be (1.25 x 2,220) 2,775 psig and the resulting stress would be 88,800 psi which will be very near the maximum yield stress (90,000 psi) of API 5L X 70 PSL-2 material.

Test Pressure And Materials SMYS

Though codes and regulatory directives are specific about setting test pressure to below 72% or in some cases up to 80% of the SMYS of the material, there is a strong argument on testing a constructed pipeline to “above 100% of SMYS,” and as high as 120% of SMYS is also mentioned. Such views are often driven by the desire to reduce the number of hydrotest sections, which translates in reduction in cost of construction. In this context, it is often noted that there is some confusion even among experienced engineers on the use of term SMYS and MOP/MAOP in reference to the hydrotest pressure.

It may be pointed out that the stress in material (test pressure) is limited by the SMYS. This is the law of physics, and is not to be broken for monetary gains at the peril of pipeline failure either immediate or in the future.

In this regard, section 32 of directive No. 66 of the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board in 2005 is of importance. The guidance is specific about the situation. It directs that if the test pressure causes hoop stress in the material exceeding 100% of the material SMYS, then the calculation and the entire hydro test procedure needs to be submitted to the board for review and approval.

Stress Relieving And Strength

Often there is argument presented that higher test pressures exceeding 100% of the SMYS will increase the “strength” of the material and will “stress relieve” the material. Both arguments have no technical basis to the point they are made. We will briefly discuss both these arguments here:

1. Higher test pressure will “increase the strength.” As the material is stressed beyond its yield point, the material is in plastic deformation stage, which is a ductile stage, and hence it is in the constant process of losing its ability to withstand any further stress. So, it is not increasing in strength but progressively losing its strength.

2. The second argument of “stress reliving” is linked with the “increase the strength” argument. The stress relief of material is carried out to reduce the locked-in stresses. The process reorients the grains disturbed often by cold working or welding. The stress relief process effectively reduces the yield strength. Thus, it does not “strengthen” the material. Note: It may be pointed out that a limited relaxation of stresses does occur by hydro testing, but the test pressure should be less than the material’s yield point.

Another point to note here is that there is a stage in the stressing of the material where strain hardening occurs and the material certainly gains some (relative) hardness, and thereby, strength. This happens as necking begins but, at that point, unit area stress is so low that the strength of the material is lost and it remains of no practical use, especially in context with the pipe material we are discussing.

Returning to the subject of pressure testing and its objectives. One of the key objectives of the testing is to find the possible flaws in the constructed pipeline. The test develops a certain amount of stress for a given time to allow these possible flaws to open out as leakages. In the following section we shall discuss the relation of these flaws to the test pressure and duration.

Critical Flaw Size

The maximum test pressure should be so designed that it provides a sufficient gap between itself and the operating pressure. In other worlds, the maximum test pressure should be > MOP.

This also presupposes that after the test the surviving flaws in the pipeline shall not grow when the line is placed in service at the maintained operating pressure. For setting the maximum test pressure, it is important to know the effect of pressure on defect growth during the testing on the one hand and on the other flaws whose growth will be affected by pressure over the time.

The defects that would not fail during a one-time, high test pressure are often referred as sub-critical defects. However these sub-critical defects would fail at lower pressure if held for longer time. But the size of discontinuity that would be in the sub-critical group would fail-independent of time-at about 105% of the “hold” pressure. This implies that maximum test pressure would have to be set at 5-10% above the maximum operating pressure (MOP) in order to find such defects during the test and also to avoid growth of sub-critical discontinuities after the hydro test pressure is released and during the operation life of pipeline. This is should be the main objective of the hydro test.

If test pressure reaching 100% (design factor of 0.80) of the SMYS is considered, then one must also consider some important pre conditions attached to the procurement of the steel and pipe. Especially important to consider is the level of flaw size that was accepted in the plate/coil used to manufacture the pipe. The test pressure of such magnitude would require that the acceptable defect size be re-assessed. This is because all else being equal, a higher design factor, resulting in a thinner wall, will lead to a reduction in the critical dimensions of both surface and through-wall defects.

Where such conditions are likely it may be prudent to reconsider the level of accepted flaws in the material. The current recommendations in API 5L 44th edition for acceptance level B2 as per ISO 12094 (for SAW pipes) may not be acceptable because it has limited coverage of body and edges and the acceptance criteria is far too liberal, in terms of acceptable size and area of flaws. More stringent criteria must be specified more in line with EN 10160 where level S2 for body and level E2 for edges may be more appropriate to meet the demands of the higher test pressures.

Sub-critical surface flaw sizes at design factors of 0.80 and 0.72 are susceptible to growth at low stress and are time dependent. These flaws are also dependent on the acceptable limits of impact absorbing energy of the material and weld (not part of the discussion in this article).

This increase in depth-to-thickness (d/t) ratio in effect reduces the ligament of the adjoining defects that reduce the required stress to propagate the discontinuity. Critical through-wall flaw lengths are also factors to be assessed. While there is a modest reduction in critical flaw length, it still indicates very acceptable flaw tolerance for any practical depth and the reduction will have negligible influence in the context of integrity management. Note that flaws deeper than about 70% of wall thickness will fail as stable leaks in both cases. This statement implies that mere radiography of the pipe welds (both field and mill welds) may not suffice. Automatic ultrasonic testing (AUT) of the welds will be better suited to properly determine the size of the planer defects in the welds. Similarly the use of AUT for assessing the flaws in the pipe body will be more stringent than usual.

Pressure Reversal

The phenomenon of pressure reversal occurs when a defect survives a higher hydrostatic test pressure but fails at a lower pressure in a subsequent repressurization. One of the several factors that work to bring on this phenomenon is the creep-like growth of sub-critical discontinuities over time and at lower pressure. The reduction in the wall thickness, caused by corrosion, external damages, is also responsible for a reduction in puncture resistance in the pipe. The reduction in the wall thickness, in effect reduces the discontinuity depth to the material thickness.

This increase in d/t ratio reduces the ligament between the adjoining defects. This effectively reduces the stress required to propagate the discontinuity. The other factor affecting the pressure reversal is the damage to the Crack Tip Opening (CTO). The CTO is subject to some compressive force leading the crack tip to force-close during the initial test. On subsequent pressurization to significantly lower pressure this “force-close” tip starts to open-up and facilitates the growth of the crack. Hence, if such a pressure cycle is part of the design, then the point of pressure reversal should be considered.

Puncture Resistance

  • It may also be noted that there is a modest reduction in puncture resistance with both increasing SMYS and increasing design factor. Note that the maximum design factor is, in some instances, constrained by practical limits on D/t.
  • In any event, it should be noted that only a small proportion of large excavators are capable of generating a puncture force exceeding 300 kN and that the reductions in puncture resistance noted would have to be assessed for the integrated approaches to the management of mechanical damage threats.


Ramesh Singh is Senior Principal Engineer (Materials, Welding and Corrosion) for Gulf Interstate Engineering, 16010 Barkers Point Lane, Houston, Texas 77079-9000, 713-850-3687, Fax: 713-850-3554, E-mail: rsingh@gie.com.


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